Orange City County Jail is high quality fashion brand created to inspire the public and to destroy the social boundaries. Along with out brand, we promote the idea of a free lifestyle, based on the power of making choices and taking decisions.
We mix street style and classic architectural viral features. The functionality and quality of the product is a big A for us. We send a direct message using our creativity, in order to inspire and support the human freshness around us. We don’t believe in gender targets, labels based on the age of the individual or any other social expectations. Fashion is meant to create a fantasy which we can use to express emotions and opinions.
Why Orange city county jail?
Our name is based on the counseling the individual received during incarceration, most similar with our social education. We want and deserve an environment that can set us fee and educate us about the basic social rules, while leaving our creativity at our choice.
OCCJ is based in Romania, our team has lots of experience abroad and we love to create features with other visual artists. We encourage you to create, to express, to develop the best in yourself, especially at your low point in life. Our brand was created to help the community with every project we are working on.
We support the freedom of the individual and with every piece of clothing from our collections, we want to help the customers to develop their own creativity. Using our brand and our image we will help you improve your state of mind along with your hyper energy. Orange city county jail was created from our passion, emotions, experience and the constant will to express and extend our creativity.